What You Need To Know About Your Australian Wheat Before Growing It

7 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Wheat is, undoubtedly, one of the most important crops that one can grow due to its wide usage throughout so many different applications. What you may not realize, that many also do not understand before they take a closer look at wheat, is that there are quite a few different complexities when it comes to choosing what type of wheat you should grow. If you are considering adding wheat crops to your farm, then there are three things you absolutely have to know before you plant a single seed. Here are the three most important pieces of information you need to know about your future wheat crops. 

Different Wheat Varieties 

Perhaps the most misunderstood thing about wheat by those not in the industry is that there are quite a few different types of crops that all fall under the wheat umbrella. These different types of wheat have advantages and disadvantages, but the main thing is that you need to know what market you are growing wheat for. If the wheat is to make bread or food for humans, then it will be a very different type of wheat than something that is prepared for animals and so on. Research what type of wheat the products you want to make come from and then go in that direction.

Different Environmental Factors

Apart from there just being a considerable difference in the final product of different wheat species, there is also a difference in what types of environment they can survive in. This is especially important in a country like Australia, where the wetter climate along the coast is suitable for a very different type of grain than the more arid and dry areas on the interior. Sometimes the type of wheat varieties you can grow is determined by the area you live in, and you should try to figure that out before you plant any so you do not have a failed yield down the track.

Time Of Year

Wheat is planted at different times of the year depending on what type you get. If you do not want your wheat growing to clash with other crops you may have, then you should make sure the wheat that you want is planted at opposite ends of the year. Lots of wheat is planted around autumn and then harvested a few months later, but you can certainly find wheat varieties that are planted during the warmer months as well. 

Contact a supplier to learn more about wheat varieties